[{"id": 15396, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/media/SpotlightPhotos/Spotlight Folder 2022/ACR_Assessment_Roll_2024_Final-V1_02.pdf", "preview_content": "Riverside County Assessor recently reported a significant milestone, announcing that the total assessed property value has reached an impressive $432 billion. \u00a0", "title": "Riverside County Assessed Value Hits $432 Billion -       Press Release", "date_publish": "August 22, 2023", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "8/22/2023", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Aug 22, 2023", "post_number": 0}, {"id": 13232, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "/media/Press Release/ACR_Leap_Year_Press_Release_r4.pdf", "preview_content": "Riverside County Clerk\u2019s Office braces for the Leap Year wedding surge!", "title": "Leap Year Press Release", "date_publish": "July 7, 2022", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "7/7/2022", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Jul 7, 2022", "post_number": 1}, {"id": 13861, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/media/Property/2023%20CR%20News%20_%20Announcements_.pdf", "preview_content": "\nUnderstand the risks of Deceptive Property Agreements and safeguard your investments.\n\n", "title": "Deceptive Property Agreements", "date_publish": "September 7, 2023", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "9/7/2023", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Sep 7, 2023", "post_number": 2}, {"id": 17611, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/media/Press Release/2023 Close of Roll Press Release FINAL with attachments.pdf", "preview_content": "Riverside County Assessment Valuation Tops $400 Billion for First Time", "title": "2023 Close of Roll Press Release", "date_publish": "July 17, 2023", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "7/17/2023", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Jul 17, 2023", "post_number": 3}, {"id": 16047, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/14thStreetChapel", "preview_content": "Have your day to remember at a place to remember -- for a great price! The 14th St. Chapel in Downtown Riverside.", "title": "Available for Civil Ceremonies", "date_publish": "October 21, 2022", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "10/21/2022", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Oct 21, 2022", "post_number": 4}, {"id": 14046, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/ceqa-filings", "preview_content": "\nEffective 01/01/2022, AB 819 requires that CEQA notices and documents are to be filed electronically.\n\n", "title": "Update to CEQA Filings", "date_publish": "December 27, 2021", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "12/27/2021", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Dec 27, 2021", "post_number": 5}, {"id": 13862, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MFDHB2D", "preview_content": "\nTake a 2-minute survey to share your feedback on our new website and the department overall. Thank you!\n\n", "title": "We Want Your Feedback!", "date_publish": "December 1, 2021", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "12/1/2021", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Dec 1, 2021", "post_number": 6}, {"id": 13860, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/volunteer-opportunities", "preview_content": "\nWould you like to become a Volunteer Deputy Commissioner of Civil Marriages?\n\n", "title": "Volunteer Opportunities", "date_publish": "December 1, 2021", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "12/1/2021", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Dec 1, 2021", "post_number": 7}, {"id": 13236, "thumbnail_string": "", "frontend_url": "https://www.rivcoacr.org/disaster-relief", "preview_content": "Find important information on disaster relief as a result of property damage sustained by Hurricane Hilary.", "title": "Attention: Victims of Storms", "date_publish": "September 13, 2021", "date_publish_mm_dd_yyyy": "9/13/2021", "date_publish_shortm_day_yyyy": "Sep 13, 2021", "post_number": 8}]