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Riverside County Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder logo

Confidential Marriage License

The Riverside County Clerk’s Office is issuing marriage licenses in-person at its public service offices. Appointments are recommended. You will find the requirements to obtain a license and the steps to book your appointment on this page.

PLEASE NOTE: The office of the Assessor-County Clerk-Recorder strongly advises that a Public marriage license be issued except in those instances where the confidentiality of the marriage date is important. It has been our experience that complications frequently arise when copies are requested and can ONLY be issued to the married couple.

To obtain a marriage license you must meet the following requirements:
  • Both parties MUST be 18 years of age or older. (We are not issuing licenses to minors at this time.)
  • Both parties MUST be present TOGETHER during their appointment to obtain the marriage license.
  • Both parties MUST have valid, current picture identification. The identification must be government-issued. Some examples include State-issued Driver's License or identification card; Military identification; Green Card; Naturalization Certificate; Passport.
  • If either party has been divorced or has had a dissolution of a State Registered Domestic Partnership within 90 days of the issuance of the marriage license, a copy of the FINAL Dissolution IS REQUIRED. We will take a copy of the register of actions showing the written final decree of dissolution has been entered. The divorce paperwork does not need to be certified. A copy of a Minute Order IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.
  • Payment of fee for a confidential marriage license: $110.00.
Authorized Notaries
Certain notaries public undergo special training to obtain authorization to issue confidential marriage licenses. If this service is of interest to you, please contact one of the notaries on the list below to learn more.
Name    Telephone Number
Agxibel Barajas-Carrillo (760) 668-6678
M.A. Bassett (951) 254-3794
Dr. Braveheart Hernandez-Cordova (760) 408-2221
Aurora A. Lavado (951) 283-8088
Ines Micaela Lira (909) 843-5096
Frank A. Meola (877)-999-3334
Angelica Mora (951) 520-5603
Adriana Rangel (951) 601-1800
Angie Marie Ruiz (760) 464-4699
Montserrath Lizbeth Salinas (951) 421-9635